The Shape of Things to Come: Advances in Body Contouring

The Shape of Things to Come: Advances in Body Contouring

In today’s social media era, patients are extremely focused on gaining a shapely silhouette, with many frustrated over bulges and sagging skin that may not respond well to diet and exercise.

A survey by Psychology Today magazine found that the majority of women and nearly half of men were dissatisfied with their overall appearance, and two-thirds of women and more than half of men were unhappy with their body weight.1

The market value of body contouring procedures worldwide is forecast to grow at a 6.8 percent compound annual rate from 2019 to 2024 to reach $9.1 billion, according to Research and Markets.This growth is driven in part by treatment advances and device innovation.

In this report, we will examine the popular invasive, minimally invasive, and non-invasive treatment options in the market for your patients' challenging body aesthetics concerns.

  • Surgical options: Surgical procedures that produce dramatic results 
  • Minimal invasive body contouring: Energy-assisted procedures that result in less downtime
  • Non-invasive body contouring: Options for temperature-based fat reduction, skin tightening, and muscle enhancement 

Innovation in body contouring treatments is stoking consumer demand as never before. Download our report today so that you are aware of the latest technological developments and make sure you fully capture these clients. 


1. David B. Sarwer, PhD, Heather M. Polonsky, BS, Body Image and Body Contouring Procedures, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 36, Issue 9, October 2016, Pages 1039–1047,

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