Examining Consumer Sentiment For Personal Care And Aesthetic Services Post-COVID-19

Examining Consumer Sentiment For Personal Care And Aesthetic Services Post-COVID-19

What will the post-pandemic world look like? That’s impossible to determine, but recent research suggest that patient demand for aesthetic and beauty treatments is likely to return to pre-pandemic levels and possibly increase. What is driving this growth, and how can medical aesthetic providers respond to this opportunity?

According to statistics from Kantar, a data and consulting firm, “beauty therapy” was the most popular activity that consumers were excited to resume once COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted. The firm scanned social media mentions in March 2020 and found that beauty therapy beat other activities such as eating out, seeing friends, attending concerts, and travel.

Perhaps it’s not surprising that aesthetic treatments and other beautifying practices were top of mind for people throughout the initial COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders. During times of stress, aesthetic treatments can be a way of taking control over physical appearance and emotional well-being. Seeking medical aesthetic procedures is also a vote of confidence in the future, a reflection of the belief that even when times are uncertain and frightening, there will be brighter days ahead. 

While COVID-19 continues to impact the business landscape and many states still have various restrictions in place, recent statistics from RealSelf indicate that traffic and bookings through their website has returned to about 80% of pre-pandemic levels.

Gauging what patients will want in the months to come can help your aesthetic practice thrive. Interestingly, some products are seeing strong sales, including at home-beauty tools—such as face scrapers and facial steamers—serums, and skincare that helps block blue light.

What Patients Want Post-Pandemic

Looking at the big picture, what are your patients likely to want? First, many will want to feel safe when seeking a medical aesthetic treatment, which means that cleanliness and hygiene are of the utmost importance. Make sure patients are aware of the health and safety guidelines that your practice maintains—such as daily temperature checks for staff—and that you follow them rigorously. They should know that their well-being is your top priority. Furthermore, expect to see preventive health, safety and wellness as drivers of patient behavior well into the future.

Another aspect that patients are looking for is brands that make ethical choices; the emerging trend of “clean beauty” is evidence of this. People want to choose products and services from companies that are made from natural ingredients and care about more than the bottom line. Think about how you present your practice to potential patients. Do they feel that you care about them, and about making the world a better place? Communicating that vison may be critical to capture the attention of clean beauty consumers.

Keep in mind that many of your patients may have modified their beauty and skincare routines due to COVID-19. Highlight the ways in which aesthetic treatments can further enhance those routines. Emphasizing the advantages of your treatments—perhaps over a Zoom call—is another strategy to appeal to your patients’ current priorities.

Finally, recognize that many people value connection, and that digital tools such as social media and webinars can help you maintain this connection between in-person appointments. Even patients who are afraid to seek treatment right now may return once they feel safe, so look for techniques to stay in touch.

Helping Your Practice Prepare and Thrive

Want to learn more about how to prepare your practice for the post-pandemic landscape? Talk to one of the experts at Venus Concept. In addition to cutting-edge medical aesthetics devices, we offer a Practice Enhancement Program that can help you build and maintain a successful business—even during unprecedented times. For more information about how we can help your practice, contact us today.

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