How to Make Your Aesthetic Services More Appealing


As a medical aesthetics provider, your ability to positively impact the lives of your patients has never been greater. Advances in aesthetics mean that consumers are now able to achieve superior enhancement treatments with less downtime, discomfort, cost, or inconvenience than ever before.

Unfortunately, the digital age has made the playing field very difficult, with patients entering your practice already equipped with a wealth of information regarding the procedure or aesthetic service they want. You may be skilled at presenting your service offerings in person, but as we have mentioned before, the aesthetic consult begins long before the first appointment. So, how do you make your aesthetic services more compelling?

How Consumers View Aesthetic Treatments

With so much information available on the Internet, consumers today are armed with knowledge. They are often well-versed in the subtleties of different injectables and the latest device developments (some referencing more authoritative sources than others). This has increased the number of prospective patients who are shopping for a specific service, as if it were a commodity. 

The negative aspect of this tendency is that it generally has a downward pressure on pricing and profitability while influencing the patient experience. If a patient has decided to shop for a syringe of a specific filler, you may have already lost the opportunity to apply your expertise and suggest alternative treatments that may better achieve the patient’s desired outcome.

So, how do you convince patients that you can offer them a customized service that could offer superior results? You need to reframe the way in which you present your service offerings.

How to Present Your Aesthetic Services to New Patients

To attempt to break patients away from setting their minds on one specific treatment, reframe your services menu into procedures and outcomes. In other words, create a conversation with your patient regarding what they would like to achieve aesthetically from their procedure. Are they focusing on one aspect, such as eliminating a scar, or an overall look, such as appearing less tired? Once you are able to define the outcome they are looking for, you will be better able to speak to the aesthetic treatments that are most likely to achieve their desired results.

While not every practice has the luxury of getting away from pricing by commoditized service, defining your service offerings within a procedure-and-results framework will enable you to combine and tailor treatments to the consumer’s precise presentation. This will lead not only to superior results, but also more appropriate pricing and services that allow your practice to stand out from your competitors.

Are you looking for more creative ways to capture the attention of new patients? Download our invaluable eBook, “Mastering the Art of the Aesthetic Consult” today!


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